Engineering reliability takes off with Alberti angle heads.

The aerospace sector is the one that requires both machining repeatibility and high engineering precision.

IManufacturers demand processes and components with very high-reliability requirements to meet very strict quality standards and certifications. For decades now, Alberti angle heads have been used by some major aerospace players for the construction of some important aircraft parts.

Precision first

An area with no margin for error.

The design and execution of aerospace parts often involve very strict tolerance tolerances, with little possibility to vary processes.

And once coordinated, these need to be stable. That is why it is paramount that the tools chosen are reliable, precise, robust, and fully automated.

From high engineering comes high security.

Alberti angle heads are used in the manufacture of many fundamental elements different parts of aircraft: wings and vertical fins, engines, landing gear, fuselage. Titanium, carbon fibres, aluminium alloys, steel, super alloys, and composite elements are the main materials processed. The high reliability and safety we guarantee is recognised by the most famous players that have long relied on our technology to build their aircraft.

Case studies

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